Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Against the Tide

This book is about a twelve girl whose dad has gone of to be a spy for the army. There is a big war going on. The Civil War! After the dad leaves her and her two little brothers are left home alone. Shortly after the dad leaves their salves run away and the Yankees are coming to attack the island they live on. The kids try to get everything ready so they can go to their other house. When they are on their way to the other house they decide they aren't going to the house untill they find their father. Do they find their dad? Do they get caught by the Yankkes? Do they ever see their slaves again? Well, you'll have to read the book to find out!


Cameron said...

Wow! Why would the dad just leave them alone?!?!?!!?!? I hope they dont get caught by the Yankees!!!

Emily Roloson said...

That sounds really cool, I would not like it if my dad left me alone, I might have to read the book!!