Saturday, April 30, 2011

School of Fear 2

       Im currently reading the second School of Fear. Just like in the first all of them have to go to a secret school hidden in the woods. The school is dedicated to helping kids solve their fears. In this novel there is a twist, a mystery. This summer there is a robber. The robber takes some very suspicous irems like wigs and a very sacred turtle shell. Mrs.Wellington thinks it is a former pageant rival taking all her things.Another twist is a new character is introduced. Hyhy or Hycaninth is a casually dressed blabbermouth. She is afraid of being alone, so she sticks to everyones side. I really enjoy this series and i think you will to. To find out the ending read it for yourself.


Anonymous said...

I want to read the series. It sounds like a good book. I haven't read the first School of Fear yet but they both look and sound good.

Unknown said...

they are at the eg library