Monday, January 24, 2011

Tiger Rising

Even though this is a short book(I finished it in a day), it is a good one. In this book a boy named Rob goes in the woods behind The Kentucky Star hotel and finds a tiger. Then on the first day of school a new girl gets on his bus called Sistine. Later that day he gets called to the principle's office. The principal says that parents are worried about his legs and how the "disease" could spread to their children so the principal asks him if he will mind taking a few days off from school. He agrees. On the way home the bus he has to sit next to Sistine. While sitting there, she offers to take his homework to him. He says that will be OK then gets off the bus. Later that night he finds himself whittling her into his piece of wood. The next day Sistine brings his homework. He decides to tell her about the tiger, she sounded really interested so they went to go see it. Once there she says that they should free it. In a couple of days the owner of the Hotel and tiger gives Rob a job. The job is to feed the tiger. He gets the keys to the cage and, well I better stop now you will have to read the book to see what happens after that.


Tessa O. said...

Wow that sounds like a really cool book! After reading your post I really want to read the book. I'm hooked

Stephanie said...

em, you did a really good job =on describing what happens in the book i want to read it, but you stopped it where people want to read it more and now i am trying to figure out whats going to happen.

Kris said...

I read this book a couple years back great description. Your description makes me want to read it again